2017 Charlotte Pride Parade

August 27, 2017
For the 1st year since its return to Charlotte, the annual Charlotte Pride Parade and Festival fall after the start of our semester! This means that we have the opportunity to march the largest contingent ever in the Pride Parade this year. The Pride Parade kicks off in Uptown on Sunday August 27th and we have our spot reserved. If you would like to march in the parade this year please email me at Joshua.burford@uncc.edu with your name and email address so that I can send out details about our time to stage our group before the parade starts. The parade kicks off at 1pm and we will start lining up as a group around 12.
Also this year the MRC has partnered with Gray’s Bookstore on University City so we can have matching shirts for the parade. They are offering their basic solid color t-shirts in a rainbow of colors for us to wear in the parade AND they are giving us 20% off these already inexpensive shirts. All you need to do is go to Gray’s and tell them that you are with UNC Charlotte and you want a shirt for the Pride Parade and they will show you what’s in stock. Pick whatever color you want and on the day of the parade we will line up in a rainbow and show our 49er spirit. All students, faculty, and staff are invited to march with us and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me!